Logfisher Logging Excavator
Logs are winched out of the forest by 'Logfisher' with the use of long cable.
In the process the logs slide along the forest floor creating narrow corridors.
Logs are winched out of the forest by 'Logfisher' with the use of long cable.
In the process the logs slide along the forest floor creating narrow corridors.
Conventional Bulldozer Logging
Skid trials
Skid trials are constructed by Bulldozer to access every individual trees to be felled.
The logs are then winched and dragged out along the skid trials.
Skid trials
Skid trials are constructed by Bulldozer to access every individual trees to be felled.
The logs are then winched and dragged out along the skid trials.
Logfisher Logging Excavator

Minimal Destruction and Hardly Damaging
Soil and vegetation clearly intact for continual forest regeneration and growth.

Minimal Destruction and Hardly Damaging
Soil and vegetation clearly intact for continual forest regeneration and growth.
Conventional Bulldozer Logging

Destructive and Damaging
Approximately 30 to 50% of the harvested area are destroyed and partially cleared.

Destructive and Damaging
Approximately 30 to 50% of the harvested area are destroyed and partially cleared.